The Árbol del Tule, English: Tree of Tule, is a species of Mexican bald cypress, Oaxaca, 1978.

Sheet 19780160 Photo 17

Image of sheet 19780160 photo 17: Der Árbol del Tule, deutsch Baum von Tule, ist ein etwa 1200–3000 Jahre altes Baumexemplar der Art Mexikanische Sumpfzypresse (Taxodium mucronatum). Mit einem Stammdurchmesser von 14,05 Metern ist er der dickste Baum der Welt. 42m Umfang. 
Mexico 1978 √

El Árbol del Tule (Spanish for The Tree of Tule) is a tree located in the church grounds in the town center of Santa María del Tule in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, approximately 9 km east of the city of Oaxaca on the road to Mitla. It is a Montezuma cypress (Taxodium mucronatum), or ahuehuete (meaning "old man of the water" in Nahuatl). It has the stoutest trunk of any tree in the world. In 2001 it was placed on a UNESCO tentative list of World Heritage Sites.
Color: Black & White
Type: Positive, Negative, Digital
Country: Mexico
Region: Oaxaca
Place: Tule
Date: Jan 1, 1978
Keywords: Kultur, Bäume