Printed media published with the use of a photography by Olivia Heussler.

Sheet 19800670 Photo 18

Image of sheet 19800670 photo 18: Poster Plakat siebdruck Fotografie ohne Text schwarz weiss farbig
Press archive printed published photography by Olivia Heussler 

Am Weihnachtstag marschieren 8000 Menschen vom Bürkliplatz durch die Bahnhofstrasse an die Limmatstrasse 18-20 
Zürich 1980
Jugendbewegung Bewegig AJZ Zürcher Jugendunruhen Demonstrationen

Manifestators are trying to get away from the huge clouds of teargas that filled the area round the Autonomous Youth Center. Thousands of people had expressed their solidarity with the youth who wished to run an Autonomous Youth Center in Zürich and marched through the City on Christmas Eve. The police started to shoot with teargas against the croud and provoked various injuries.
Color: Black & White
Type: Published
Country: Schweiz
Region: Zürich
Place: Zürich
Date: Dec 24, 1980
Keywords: Innenpolitik, Jugendbewegung, AJZ