Sheet 19830030 Photo 4

Image of sheet 19830030 photo 4: Elektrizitäts Mast im Zürcher Oberland. Genossenschaftsweg. Volk.
 Sonnenuntergang über Nebelmeer vom Bachtel. Olivia Zeitungslesen. Livia und Cathy Kuchen essen. Schaufenster von Keith Haring in Altstadt. Meine Idee als Reaktion zum Freispruch Zürcher Polizei im Mord von Dani und Michi. Morgenessen Pique Nique im grossen Austellungssaal vom Kunsthaus Gesammtkunstwerk von Harry Harald Szeemann. Securitas weist uns nett weg. WOZ Christoph Schuler.
Keith Haring (May 4, 1958 – February 16, 1990) was an artist and social activist whose work responded to the New York City street culture of the 1980s. By expressing concepts of birth, death, sex and war, Haring's imagery has become a widely recognized visual language of the 20th century.

Kurt Hermann Eduard Karl Julius Schwitters (20 June 1887 – 8 January 1948) was a German painter who was born in Hanover, Germany.

Schwitters worked in several genres and media, including Dada, Constructivism, Surrealism, poetry, sound, painting, sculpture, graphic design, typography and what came to be known as installation art. He is most famous for his collages, called Merz Pictures.
Der Hang zum gesammtkunstwerk
Museum art Kunsthaus Zürich 1983
Color: Black & White
Type: Negative
Country: Schweiz
Region: Zürich
Place: Zürich
Date: Jan 1, 1983
Keywords: Kultur, Innenpolitik, Gewaltfreie Aktion