Sheet 19840190 Photo 4

Image of sheet 19840190 photo 4: Portrait John Dimitri Negroponte. John Dimitri Negroponte (play /ˌnɛɡroʊˈpɒnti/; born July 21, 1939) is an American diplomat. He is currently a research fellow and lecturer in international affairs at Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. Prior to this appointment, he served as the United States Deputy Secretary of State and as the first ever Director of National Intelligence.
US-Botschafter in Tegucigalpa.
 'Puente Negro' gehört zum CIA Büro Zentralamerika. Militärparade in Las Tapias
 für die Befehlsstab übergabe für den neuen Armee General Walter
 Lopez Reyes in Begleitung des Staatspräsidenten Suazo Cordoba.
 Spezialeinheit COBRA Fallschirmtruppe Marineeinheiten und Tränengaseinheit Antimotines. Staatsanwalt Dr. Efrain Bugiron.
Honduras Mittelamerika Centralamerica 1984 
Desfile militar con motivo del traspaso de poder al nuevo jefe del ejército hondureño,
General Walter López Reyes (izqda.), en compañía del presidente Suazo Córdoba (centro) y
del fiscal Efraín Bu Girón (dcha.). Las Tapias, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, abril de 1984.
At the military parade in honor of the new Honduran commander-in-chief, General Walter López Reyes (l.) with President Suazo Córdoba (center), and Chief Justice Efraín Bu Girón (r.).
Las Tapias, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, April 1984.
Color: Black & White
Type: Negative
Country: Honduras
Region: Tegucigalpa
Date: Apr 16, 1984
Keywords: Innenpolitik, Militärwesen, Armeeangehörige