Soldaten des BLI (Truppen des Innenministerium) an der Nordfront, Cerro 1300, Las Segovias, Nicaragua 1985.

Sheet 19850170 Photo 18

Image of sheet 19850170 photo 18: Cerro 1300 von den Sandinisten befreit und 30 Soldaten fielen zum Opfer. Der Tukan auf der Akka AK-47 Kalaschnikov war ein Glücksbringer für die Soldaten ist aber auf der langen Reise im Lastwagen verdurstet. Las Segovias Nicaragua 1985

The Sandinista Popular Army (or People's Army; Ejército Popular Sandinista, EPS) was the military established in 1979 by the new Sandinista government to replace the National Guard, following the overthow of Anastasio Somoza Debayle. In post-Sandinista Nicaragua, it has been remolded into the National Army of Nicaragua. Joaquín Cuadra was chief of staff, serving Defense Minister Humberto Ortega. A draft, called the Patriotic Military Service (Servicio Militar Patriótico), (SMP) was instituted in 1983. It later became Obligatory Military Service (Servicio Militar Obligatorio) (SMO).The special forces Tropas Pablo Ubeda initially came under the Ministry of Interior and then the BLI'S were Created.
Color: Black & White
Type: Negative
Country: Nicaragua
Region: Las Segovias
Place: Cerro 1300
Date: Apr 19, 1985
Keywords: Militärwesen, Armeeangehörige, Waffen