Printed media published with the use of a photography by Olivia Heussler.

Sheet 19850490 Photo 30

Image of sheet 19850490 photo 30: Präsidentenkarosse fährt vorbei. Ein Mann scheisst an eine Wand auf dem National Palast Platz. 
Nineth de Garcia Montenegro is one of the founders of the Mutual Support Group (Grupo Apoyo Mutuo, or GAM) for relatives of the disappeared. Her husband Fernando was abducted three months before. But this group is not being formed simply to hold hands. They are supporting each other to protest the injustice of the disappearances.
Nineth de Garcia Montenegro besetzt mit ihrer Gruppe Grupo Apoyo Mutuo (GAM) die Kathedrale und protestiert gegen die Politik ihres Landes. Portrait. (Bild via AP) Guatemala 1985

Archiv Keyston
Color: Black & White
Type: Published
Country: Guatemala
Region: Guatemala City
Date: Oct 30, 1985
Keywords: Innenpolitik, Gewaltfreie Aktion, Kirchenbestzung