Printed media published with the use of a photography by Olivia Heussler.

Sheet 19890610 Photo 22

Image of sheet 19890610 photo 22: Türkischstämmig Flüchtling Mann aus Bulgarien im Lager des türkischen Halbmond an der Grenze zu Bulgarien trägt seinen Koffer auf der Schulter Kapikule Edirne Türkei 07.89 1989 √ refugee

turkish Half Moon on the border with Bulgaria 
Man carries his bag on his shoulder
This turkish-original man has just arrived from central Bulgaria in this Turkish refugeecamp of the Halfmoon-Organisation. They had come to find work and residence in Turkey. A monts later most of the 300 000 returned. √ Refugee
Color: Black & White
Type: Published
Date: Jan 1, 1989