Printed media published with the use of a photography by Olivia Heussler in «Middle East Report».

Sheet 19890610 Photo 5

Image of sheet 19890610 photo 5: Türkischstämmige muslimische Flüchtlingskinder aus Bulgarien in der Schule für Islamische Religion im Lager des türkischen Halbmond an der Grenze zu Bulgarien. Edirne Türkei 07.89 Koranschule im Flüchtlingslager. Refugees Flüchtlinge Turkey 1989 √ This turkish-originals moslems have just arrived from central Bulgaria in this Turkish refugeecamp of the Halfmoon-Organisation. They had come to find work and residence in Turkey. A monts later most of the 300 000 returned. √ Refugee school kids boys student study tent camp 

copyright by Olivia Heussler
Color: Black & White
Type: Published
Date: Jan 1, 1989