Markt in einem rumänischen Dorf mit ungarisch- stämmiger Bevölkerung, Sacele Rumänien 1990.

Sheet 19900470 Photo 20

Image of sheet 19900470 photo 20: einem rumänischen Dorf ungarisch Stämmiger Roma Romi leben Roma familien mit ihren Kindern. Sie stecken ihre Händer durch den Latten zaun.
Behind a wooden fence and a door in a Romanian village of Hungarian Romi Roma families. They live with their children and stick their hands through the fence slats. 

 Sacele. Rumänien. 05.90 Rumania Romania 1990 √

The Roma (Roma in Romani; Romi or Țigani in Romanian) constitute one of the largest minorities in Romania. According to the 2011 census, they number 619,007 people or 3.2% of the total population, being the second-largest ethnic minority in Romania after Hungarians. The Roma are Romania's most socially and economically disadvantaged minority, with high illiteracy levels
Color: Black & White
Type: Negative
Country: Rumänien
Region: Copsa Mica
Place: Romni
Date: May 17, 1990
Keywords: Bevölkerung, Roma, Sachsen