Grandmother Mihai, long time deportee in Moldova, votes first time in her life for her Roma party, Sibiu 1990.

Sheet 19900490 Photo 18

Image of sheet 19900490 photo 18: Grossmutter Mihai wählt zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben in Rumänien ihre Roma-Partei, Sibiu 1990. 
Romania Rumänien Rumania 
Roma Romi Zigeuner Gypsies for the first elections after 40 years. 
democratical demokratie process prozess
Color: Black & White
Type: Positive, Negative
Formats: 18x24
Chemistry: RC
Country: Rumänien
Region: Sibiu
Date: May 20, 1990
Keywords: Bevölkerung, Wahlen, Roma, Minderheiten, Romni, Minority