Printed media published with the use of a photography by Olivia Heussler in «Vorwärts».

Sheet 19900520 Photo 11

Image of sheet 19900520 photo 11: Die Gruppe der 'Golani's' an einem Protest Marsch der Hungerstreikenden Hungerstreik 'Greva foame' gegen die Regierung Ion Iliescus vom FSN in Richtung staatliches Fernsehgebäude. Bukarest Rumänien Rumania Romania 1990 05.90 √

The National Salvation Front (Romanian: Frontul Salvării Naţionale, FSN) was the governing body of Romania in the first weeks after the Romanian Revolution of 1989, subsequently turned into a political party. FSN is the common root of two of the three largest political parties in Romania today: the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the Democratic Liberal Party (PD-L).
Color: Black & White
Type: Published
Date: Jan 1, 1990