Katze und Schwein, Biobauernhof Cerniévillers, Jura 1991.

Sheet 19910460 Photo 28

Image of sheet 19910460 photo 28: Bio Bauernhof Cerniévillers Lydia Wespi mit den Ziegen auf dem Hof und im Garten Muttertierhaltung Kanton Jura
Mrs. Wespi is caressing her he goat who has got the luck to live in a nature related area. Together with the goats of the herd he goat Seppli ca spend most of his live outdoor and is a so called happy goat. The cheese of Happy goats has become a desired product in Swiss households as people are growing more critical to chemical supplements in food. 1991
Color: Black & White
Type: Negative
Country: Schweiz
Region: Jura
Place: Cerniévillers
Date: Jun 26, 1991
Keywords: Agrarwirtschaft, Tierhaltung, Biobauernhof