Sheet 19910750 Photo 8

Image of sheet 19910750 photo 8: © 1991, OLIVIA HEUSSLER /
Der Jäger wirft Gräser in die Luft um die Windrichtung zu kontrollieren. Care na Ciche: Coire Brahn Deer hunting in Scotland 1991 deer hunting scotland hunter traditional man me highland  Great britain Europe Europa √ Jagd wind

The hunter throws grass in the air to check the wind direction.
ohne aufkleber
Color: Black & White
Type: Positive, Negative, Digital
Formats: 24x30
Chemistry: Baryt
Country: Schottland
Region: Schottland
Place: Kingussie
Date: Sep 10, 1991
Keywords: Personen, Industrie und Gewerbe, Jagd