Sheet 19920320 Photo 6

Image of sheet 19920320 photo 6: Die SchülerInnen in der UNRWA Schule kriegen von der Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Comitee eine ärztliche Jahreskontrolle. Jiftlik, Jordantal Palästina. 04.92 1992 √ United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
medical health check school girls and boys children students palestine occupied territory room Palestine hairscarf Group Gruppenbild
al-Jiftlik (Arabic: الجفتلك‎) is a Palestinian town in the West Bank's Jordan Rift Valley several kilometers from the Jordanian border. According to the PCBS statistics for 2006, it was home to 4,401 and set on an area of 81,283 metric dunum.
Color: Black & White
Type: Positive, Negative, Digital
Formats: 18x24
Country: Palästina
Region: Jordantal
Place: Jiftlik
Date: Apr 23, 1992
Keywords: Bevölkerung, Medizin, Projekte