Sheet 19920380 Photo 36

Image of sheet 19920380 photo 36: frtsg. Eröffnung Uni Birzeit mit Sumaya Nazer. Prof. Gabi Baramki Leiter der Uni. PR-Specher Marc Taylor. Canada. Universität University Birzeit .29.5. 29.4.92 

Birzeit University (BZU) (Arabic: جامعة بيرزيت‎) is a public university located in Birzeit near Ramallah, Palestinian territories. BZU is among the foremost tertiary educational institutes in the Palestinian territories and has played a significant role in the Palestinian political dialogue.It is the first institution of higher education to be established in the Palestinian territories and is considered as one of the most prestigious universities in the West Bank.Furthermore, BZU has the highest admission averages among other Palestinian universities

Opening ceremony of Holocaust Martyrs'and Heroes' remembrance day. Yitzhak Rabin. (Labour) empfängt General Wassili Petrenko, Befreier von Ausschwitz, vor 50 Jahren, auf dem Mount Herzl. Yad Vashem. IDF Honor Guard.Präsident Chaim Herzog, Premier Minister Ytzchak Shamir. Szenen Jerusalem Altstadt. Klagemauer Frauen beten Soldaten kontrollieren Eingang zur Klagemauer. Is soldier army women woman Israel 1992
Out of Jerusalem jenseits von
Color: Black & White
Type: Negative
Country: Palästina
Region: Westbank
Place: Birzeit
Date: Apr 28, 1992
Keywords: Personen, Religion, Politik