Sheet 19920390 Photo 13

Image of sheet 19920390 photo 13: Soldatenparade anlässlich des 50 jährigen Jubiläums der Befreiung von Ausschwitz. Yad Vashem, Mount Herzl Jerusalem 04.92 Israel 1992 √

Yad Vashem (Hebrew: יד ושם‎‎ ("Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority") is Israel's official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, established in 1953 through the Yad Vashem Law passed by the Knesset, Israel's parliament.
Color: Black & White
Type: Positive, Negative, Digital
Formats: 18x24
Country: Israel
Region: Jerusalem
Place: Yad Vashem
Date: Apr 29, 1992
Keywords: Personen, Politik