Sheet 19920410 Photo 27

Image of sheet 19920410 photo 27: Diese Frauen betreuen die medizinische 'Clinic' in Qalquilia. 05.92. Palästina 1992 √
Palestine medical clinic health system nurth person women Palestinian
Qalqilya (Arabic: قلقيلية‎ Qalqīlyaḧ; Hebrew קַלְקִילִיָה) is a Palestinian city in the West Bank. Qalqilyah serves as the administrative centre for the Qalqilya Governorate. In the official 2007 census it had a population of 41,739. Qalqilya is surrounded by the Israeli West Bank barrier with a narrow gap in the east controlled by the Israeli military and a tunnel to Hableh.
Color: Black & White
Type: Positive, Negative, Digital
Formats: 18x24
Country: Palästina
Region: Qualquilia
Date: May 2, 1992
Keywords: Menschlicher Körper, Gesundheitswesen, Entwicklungshilfe