Sheet 19920410 Photo 9

Image of sheet 19920410 photo 9: Dr. Ralf Guggenheim untersucht kleines herzkrankes Mädchen. Familie heisst Badran Abdu El Karem. Rugama Marton,(Isr.) Alisa Fuss, (BRD). Altes muslimisches Ehepaar. Familie Abdu El Karem. Gruppenbild. Medizinisches Personal von CSS heute Medico International Jochi Weil unterstütztes Projekt in Qualqilya. Gesundheitstage Von Israelis (Unabhängigkeitstag) geschmückte Panzer. An Autobahn. Panzer. Israel Palästina Westbank Jordantal occupied territory 1992

Anabta (Arabic: عنبتا‎) is a Palestinian town in the Tulkarm Governorate in the northern West Bank, located 9 kilometers east of Tulkarm. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Anabta had a population of 7,329 inhabitants in 2007.[1] Anabta is administered by a municipal council and is one of the oldest municipalities in the Tulkarm Governorate.[2] The town has an urban area of about 1,300 dunams. Most of its exterior lands are planted with olives, figs and almonds or covered by forests. Water is provided by five underground wells, with distribution supervised by the town's municipality

Ruchama Marton (Hebrew: רוחמה מרטון‎) (born 1937) is an Israeli psychotherapist, psychiatrist, and feminist, and the founder of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel

 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)

Qalqilya (Arabic: قلقيلية‎ Qalqīlyaḧ; Hebrew קַלְקִילִיָה) is a Palestinian city in the West Bank. Qalqilyah serves as the administrative centre for the Qalqilya Governorate. In the official 2007 census it had a population of 41,739.[1] Qalqilya is surrounded by the Israeli West Bank barrier with a narrow gap in the east controlled by the Israeli military and a tunnel to Hableh.[
Color: Black & White
Type: Negative
Country: Palästina
Region: Tulkarm
Place: Anabta
Date: May 2, 1992
Keywords: Menschlicher Körper, Gesundheitswesen, Entwicklungshilfe