Sheet 19920440 Photo 25

Image of sheet 19920440 photo 25: Charles Landsmann in der grössten und ältesten Siedlung Elkana. Kinderspielplatz mit Eltern. Israel. Fahne in Eigenheim in Oranit. Denkmal im arabischen Dorf Kafr Kassen. Ort von Fundi Sheik Daoisch. Denkmal für 1956 von Israelis massakrierten Bauern. Suezkrieg. 8.5. «Women in Black» protestieren für ein Ende der Besetzung. «End the Occupation» am King Georg Platz. Polizei überwacht Sie. Orthodoxe Juden protestieren gegen die Frauen in Schwarz. Für eine Besetzung. Polizei kontrolliert junge Palästinenser an Salah al Hedin Street. 

Gaza Militär Camp einer Artillerie Brigade  aus dem Norden . Soldatenpatroullie spricht mit Palästinenserinnen, sie suchen ihre Söhne.
Israel Jerusalem Gaza Khan Younis 1992

Women in Black (Hebrew: נשים בשחור‎, Nashim BeShahor) is a women's anti-war movement with an estimated 10,000 activists around the world. The first group was formed by Israeli women in Jerusalem in 1988, following the outbreak of the First intifada.

The Kafr Qasim massacre took place in the Israeli Arab village of Kafr Qasim situated on the Green Line, at that time, the de facto border between Israel and the West Bank on October 29, 1956. It was carried out by the Israel Border Police (Magav) and resulted in 48 Arab civilians dead, including 6 women and 23 children aged 8–17. Arab sources usually give the death toll as 49, as they include the unborn child of one of the women.

Al-Shati camp (Arabic: مخيّم الشاطئ‎), also known as Beach camp, is a Palestinian refugee camp located in the northern Gaza Strip along the Mediterranean Sea coastline in the Gaza Governorate, and more specifically Gaza City. The camp's total land area consists of 727 dunums. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), al-Shati had a population of 87,158 inhabitants in mid-year 2006, while the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) reports a population of 78,800 registered refugees. The camp is the third largest refugee camp in the Palestinian Territories
Color: Black & White
Type: Negative
Country: Israel
Region: Elkana
Date: May 7, 1992
Keywords: Innenpolitik, Gewaltfreie Aktion, Frauen