Printed media published with the use of a photography by Olivia Heussler in «CDF Zeitung».

Sheet 19920450 Photo 2

Image of sheet 19920450 photo 2: Les deux mères de jeunes Palestiniens demandent des soldats israéliens devant d'un camp d'artillerie à Gaza pour leurs fils disparus.

Die zwei Mütter Frauen von jungen Palästinensern fragen israelische Soldaten vor einem Artillerie-Camp nach ihren vermissten Söhnen. √

The two women, mothers of young Palestinians ask Israeli soldiers in front of an artillery camp for their missing sons
Al Shate- Refugee Camp, Gazastreifen, Palästina 05.92 Palestine 1992 Occupied territory Gaza Strip √ Women Batallion Military soldier israeli Mother sons Human rights Refugees 
Two mothers ask about their missing sons at a Israeli army artillery camp. 

Aus: Out of Jerusalem / Jenseits von Jerusalem page: 96, 97
Color: Black & White
Type: Published
Date: Jan 1, 1992