Besprayte Fenster im Jeep einer israelischen Militärpatrouille im Gaza-Streifen, 1992.

Sheet 19920450 Photo 23

Image of sheet 19920450 photo 23: Les deux mères de jeunes Palestiniens demandent des soldats israéliens devant d'un camp d'artillerie à Gaza pour leurs fils disparus.

Die zwei Mütter Frauen von jungen Palästinensern fragen israelische Soldaten vor einem Artillerie-Camp nach ihren vermissten Söhnen. √

The two women, mothers of young Palestinians ask Israeli soldiers in front of an artillery camp for their missing sons
Al Shate- Refugee Camp, Gazastreifen, Palästina 05.92 Palestine 1992 Occupied territory Gaza Strip √ Women Batallion Military soldier israeli Mother sons Human rights Refugees 
Two mothers ask about their missing sons at a Israeli army artillery camp. 

Aus: Out of Jerusalem / Jenseits von Jerusalem page: 96, 97

Al-Shati camp (Arabic: مخيّم الشاطئ‎), also known as Beach camp, is a Palestinian refugee camp located in the northern Gaza Strip along the Mediterranean Sea coastline in the Gaza Governorate, and more specifically Gaza City. The camp's total land area consists of 727 dunums. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), al-Shati had a population of 87,158 inhabitants in mid-year 2006, while the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) reports a population of 78,800 registered refugees. The camp is the third largest refugee camp in the Palestinian Territories
Color: Black & White
Type: Negative
Country: Palästina
Region: Gazastreifen
Place: Al Shate-Camp
Date: May 10, 1992
Keywords: Militär, Patrouillie, Graffiti, Armee