Printed media published with the use of a photography by Olivia Heussler.

Sheet 19930730 Photo 24

Image of sheet 19930730 photo 24: Der Heiler Don Angel Tijerino behandelt in seinem Patio ein Mädchen mit Pflanzen aus seinem Garten. Ometepe, Nicaragua 1993 √

Don Ángel Tijerino, curandero y especialista en roturas de huesos,
con una paciente. Moyogalpa, Isla Ometepe, Dpto. de Rivas, 1993
Don Ángel Tijerino, herbal healer and specialist for broken bones, treating a patient. Moyogalpa, Ometepe Island, Dep. Rivas, 1993

exhibition Flyer
Color: Black & White
Type: Published
Date: Jan 1, 1993