Printed media published with the use of a photography by Olivia Heussler.

Sheet 19930740 Photo 29

Image of sheet 19930740 photo 29: Hebammen im Zentrum für natürliches Gebären tragen Schürzen zur Ausbildung. Geburt Frauen Esteli. Nicaragua 08.93 1993 √ Gesundheit health center women birth healer Parteras
Midwifes with instruction-aprons on.

Las matronas de la «Casa del parto natural». De izqda. a dcha.:
Eduviges María Gutiérrez, seguida de la fundadora, Alicia Huete (Mama Licha),
Lidia Lira Arauz y Esther Mairena Mairena. Estelí, 1993 The midwives of the Home for Natural Childbirth: (l. to r.): Eduviges María Gutiérrez, the founder Alicia Huete (Mama Licha), Lidia Lira Arauz, and Esther Mairena Mairena. Estelí, 1993

gerahmt framed with passepartout 37 x 52 cm
Color: Black & White
Type: Published
Country: Nicaragua
Date: Jan 1, 1993
Keywords: Health, Midwifes