Frauen bereiten das Ochsengespann zur Arbeit vor, Villannueva Nicaragua 1994.

Sheet 19940690 Photo 29

Image of sheet 19940690 photo 29: Die Frauen der Kooperative bereiten das Ochsengespann zur Arbeit vor. Villannueva Nic. 10.94 1994 
The women of the cooperative prepare the team of oxen to work

Farming Farmer cows women woman work micro credit agriculture cattle Nicaragua 1994
Exhibition Out of: From time to time  / Von Zeit zu Zeit
Color: Black & White
Type: Positive, Negative, Digital
Formats: 50x60
Chemistry: Baryt
Country: Nicaragua
Region: Villanueva
Place: Cayanlipe
Date: Oct 18, 1994
Keywords: Agrarwirtschaft, Frauen, Landwirtschaft