Schüler:innen beim Gymnastik-unterricht im Freien, Lagartillo Achuapa Nicaragua 1995.

Sheet 19950150 Photo 7

Image of sheet 19950150 photo 7: © 1995, Olivia Heussler /
Schüler und Schülerinnen während dem Turnunterricht im Freien. Landkooperative Lagartillo Achuapa Nicaragua 1995 
This kids and students in the coop owned school doing gymnastics √
Sandinist Coop owned school, named after swiss volunteer 'Maurice Demierre', killed by the Contra in 1986, doing gymnastics with teacher boy and girl
Color: Black & White
Type: Positive, Negative, Digital
Formats: 18x24
Chemistry: Baryt
Country: Nicaragua
Region: Lagartillo
Place: Esteli
Date: Apr 20, 1995
Keywords: Bildungswesen, Menschlicher Körper, Primarschule