Sheet 19980450 Photo 27

Image of sheet 19980450 photo 27: Der Schweizer Autor Film Paolo Poloni (left) stellt Fondovalle vor. Locarno Filmfestival. Morettina. swiss film 
The Film Festival Locarno is an international film festival held annually in August in the city of Locarno, Switzerland since 1946. After Cannes and Venice and together with Karlovy Vary, Locarno is the Film Festival with the longest history. The main feature of the festival is the open-air screening space in the astonishing Piazza Grande, with room for over 8,000 spectators, and with one of the largest open air screens in the world (26x14 metres).

√ © 1998, Olivia Heussler
Color: Color
Type: Positive, Negative, Digital
Chemistry: RC
Country: Schweiz
Place: Tessin
Date: Jul 26, 1998
Keywords: Kultur, Film