Sheet 20010073 Photo 9

Image of sheet 20010073 photo 9: Die afghanische Aerztin Dr. Sima Samar ist Hazara und arbeitet in ihrer Shuada Klinik in Mariabad. Spital Quetta Pakistan 2001

Sima Samar (Persian: سیما سمر‎) (born 3 February 1957) is a politician in Afghanistan, who served as Minister of Women's Affairs of Afghanistan from December 2001 to 2003. She is currently the Chairperson of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) and, since 2005, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Sudan. In 2011, she was part of the newly founded Truth and Justice party.

typisches Brot aus der Region  Naan also Nan Naan 
A type of naan served in an Indian restaurant or Pakistani restaurant
Place of origin 	Originally from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Persia and Central Asia[1]
Region or state 	Indian subcontinent, West, Central and South europe
Dish details
Main ingredient(s) 	Wheat flour (e.g. Atta, Maida), water, yeast, cooking fat (e.g. ghee, butter), yoghurt, milk (optional)

Naan (Persian, Pashto, Urdu Persian: نان), (Hindi/Punjabi: नान, نان ,ਨਾਨ) is a leavened, oven-baked flatbread.[1] It is also among one of the most popular varieties of Indian breads[2]
Stausee Hanna Lake
'The entire area is suffering a very severe drought and many Pashtuns who have farms and or livestock are suffering greatly .'

Belutschistan (persisch ‏بلوچستان‎) ist eine Region im Iranischen Hochland, die sich über den Osten Irans, den Süden Afghanistans und den Südwesten Pakistans erstreckt. Die Fläche beträgt etwa 300.000 km².
Color: Black & White
Type: Negative
Country: Pakistan
Region: Quetta
Place: Belutschistan
Date: May 13, 2001
Keywords: Menschlicher Körper, Gesundheitswesen, Entwicklungshilfe