Hazara Studentin, Quetta Baluchistan 2001.

Sheet 20013001 Photo 31

Image of sheet 20013001 photo 31: Pakistan Quetta Baluchistan 2001 Studentin.

Junge Frau und Hazara Flüchtling aus Afghanistan  
student woman Schule Frauen Mädchenschule Mädchen girl school refugees afghan 

Hazāra (Persian: هزاره‎) are a Persian-speaking people who mainly live in central Afghanistan. They are overwhelmingly Twelver Shia Muslims and comprise the third largest ethnic group of Afghanistan, forming about 9% (according to other sources up to 19%) of the total population. More than 650,000 Hazara live in neighbouring Pakistan (mostly settled in Quetta) and an estimated one million in Iran. Balochistan (Balochi: بلوچستان) or Baluchistan[1] (lit. Land of the Baloch) is an arid, desert and mountainous region on the Iranian plateau in south-western Asia, northwest of the Indian Ocean near the Persian Gulf. It mainly includes southwestern Pakistan, southeastern Iran and a smaller section of southwestern Afghanistan. Belutschistan (persisch ‏بلوچستان‎) ist eine Region im Iranischen Hochland, die sich über den Osten Irans, den Süden Afghanistans und den Südwesten Pakistans erstreckt. Die Fläche beträgt etwa 300.000 km².√

150x100 cm Plakat auf Plastikgewebe Biel
Exhibition Photoforum Pasquart Bienne 2002
Color: Color
Type: Dia, Positive, Digital
Formats: 20x29, 100x150
Chemistry: Polytrans 110 gr
Country: Pakistan
Region: Quetta
Place: Baluchistan
Date: May 20, 2001
Keywords: Bildungswesen, Frauen