Sheet 20030120 Photo 8

Image of sheet 20030120 photo 8: Sirkap (Urdu: سر کپ) is the name of an archaeological site on the bank opposite to the city of Taxila, Punjab, Pakistan. The city of Sirkap was built by the Greco-Bactrian king Demetrius after he invaded ancient Pakistan around 180 BC. Demetrius founded in the northern and northwestern Indian subcontinent (modern day Pakistan) an Indo-Greek kingdom that was to last until around 10 BC. Sirkap is also said to have been rebuilt by king Menander I. Wasserbrunnen, Mauern Mann im Schatten restauriert In den Stupas Nr. 14a wurden die Mönche eingeäschert. Männer baden schwimmen Khanpurkanal in einem Wasserkanal der Wasser nach Islamabad bringt. Eine Familie recycles sammelt Petflaschen und Abfall.
Color: Color
Type: Negative
Country: Pakistan
Region: Islamabad
Place: Punjab
Date: May 23, 2003
Keywords: Kultur, Siedlung, Griechische