Margarita Duran wurde mehrere Male in der Londres 38 inhaftiert, Santiago de Chile 2005.

Sheet 20051202 Photo 66

Image of sheet 20051202 photo 66: Margarita Duran (re) war mehrere Male in der 38 Londres inhaftiert.
Santiago de Chile Folter human rights Menschenrechte Folteropfer Pinochet
Londres No. 38 was a secret detention center located in downtown Santiago, where DINA members operated from 1973 until the end of 1974. This was one of the many sites that had been previously owned by leftist organizations. Prisoners at Londres No. 38 endured lengthy interrogation periods and continual humiliating treatment. Captors preferred to torture detainees by electrocuting them. Not only were the suspects incarcerated, but their relatives were also arrested. Family members underwent sexual abuse in the presence of their relatives. However, during the initial period, prisoners were still permitted to interact with one another and share information.
Color: Color
Type: Digital
Country: Chile
Region: Santiago de Chile
Date: Dec 7, 2005