Palestinian Girl having an eye test by the «UPRMC», Jiftlik, Palestine 1992.

Sheet 19920310 Photo 35

Image of sheet 19920310 photo 35: Die 'Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees' organisieren jährlich Gesundheitstage für alle Dorfbewohner Innen. Hier ein präventiver Augentest. in einer Profisorischen Klinik in einer Schule. Westbank occupied teritory 1992 √ Palestine girl uniform school man nurth hairscarf closes eye
The Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Commitees (UPRMC) organizes once a year a health day for all the village inhabitans. Shown here, an eye examination for a schoolgirl student 

Aus: Jenseits von Jerusalem / Out of Jerusalem cover page 57
Exhibition: Out of Jerusalem, Centre Culturel Francais, Jerusalem, Galerie les trois Folles, Zürich
Color: Black & White
Type: Positive, Negative, Digital
Formats: 18x24, 24x30, 100x150
Chemistry: Silver Gelatine on Baryt Paper, Baryt on Aluminium
Country: Palästina
Region: Jordantal
Place: Jiftlik
Date: Apr 22, 1992
Keywords: Bevölkerung, Flüchtlinge, Medizin, Kinder, Mädchen, Palestine, Augen, Girl, Eyes