Printed media published with the use of a photography by Olivia Heussler.

Sheet 19920310 Photo 35

Image of sheet 19920310 photo 35: Ein Maedchen beim Augentest, Westbank occupied teritory, Palestine 1992.
Die 'Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees' organisieren jährlich Gesundheitstage für alle Dorfbewohner Innen. Hier ein präventiver Augentest. in einer Profisorischen Klinik in einer Schule. Westbank occupied teritory 1992 √ Palestine girl uniform school man nurth hairscarf closes eye
The Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Commitees (UPRMC) organizes once a year a health day for all the village inhabitans. Shown here, an eye examination for a schoolgirl student 

Aus: Jenseits von Jerusalem / Out of Jerusalem cover page 57

al-Jiftlik (Arabic: الجفتلك‎) is a Palestinian town in the West Bank's Jordan Rift Valley several kilometers from the Jordanian border. According to the PCBS statistics for 2006, it was home to 4,401 and set on an area of 81,283 metric dunum. √

book cover
Color: Black & White
Type: Published
Date: Jan 1, 1992